Tapas Bar in Berlín | Spanish Restaurant | El Colmado
El Colmado is a Tapas Bar and Spanish Restaurant in Alexanderplatz and Kudamm
El Colmado is a Tapas Bar and Spanish Restaurant in Alexanderplatz and Kudamm
Meals donated to children in need
For every product that you purchase in one of our restaurants, we NOURISH FOUR CHILDREN suffering from hunger, in collaboration with the non-profit organization Mary’s Meals. When coming to El Colmado, you are feeding yourself and others: it’s a Meal for a Meal.
"El Colmado is an oasis in Alexanderplatz"
"How a Tapas Bar fights hunger in the world"
"An authentic Tapas Bar in Alex"
"Successful scientist opens a Tapas Bar in Berlin"
"El Colmado is a business venture with a humanitarian vocation"
"The best Spanish restaurants in Berlin"
"A small Tapas Bar in Berlin feeds an entire school in Malawi"
"Berlin's restaurant El Colmado makes donations to hungry children"
"Berlin needed a place like El Colmado"